Why a Free consultation With BHMS
You've set up a schedule for a free, no-obligation, in-house cleaning estimate and consultation. Wonderful!
During that time, a BHMS Field representative will arrive in fully uniformed in BHMS attire. While in your home, we will work with you to customize a tailored service to fit your particular needs, or you can choose our standard service. Afterwards we'll discuss cost and your expectations for satisfaction and quality assurance.
Appointments set as soon as you would like to get started.
We offer an array of services and this meeting is a great opportunity to discuss:
• areas or rooms you’d like to receive service
• space you would like to have detailed cleaned
• special projects or events you’d like to have cleaned, like parties, one time service, move in or out, special events, special requests
• what you liked and did not like about any cleaning services you’ve used in the past
• our team arrives fully equipped
• maintenance service
Weekly or every other week services is our customer's most popular cleaning schedule. We’re also happy to provide less-frequent cleanings to suit your needs: once every three weeks, monthly, and one-time cleanings for special events or moving in/moving out. The frequency you chose is dependent on your life style and or budget. We will provide you with options so you can choose what works best for you. At the end of the in-home estimate, the BHMS representative can schedule your first cleaning appointment. With BHMS, you will never be asked to sign a contract. With our highly trained cleaning professionals supported by our strict quality control system, we aim to earn your trust at every visit. Our local owners/estimators look forward to working with you directly to create cleaning plan options that meet your needs and match your budget. Click to request an in-home house cleaning estimate, or call your BHMS office directly for an immediate cleaning need.